Why Eat Wild Salmon?When choosing to buy salmon, the consumer is faced with essentially two choices: wild-caught salmon harvested by fishermen or farmed salmon grown and harvested in captivity. By choosing to ask for wild salmon at their local stores and restaurants, consumers use the power of the marketplace to help recover wild salmon stocks where they are in trouble and to help maintain fishable wild salmon stocks. Farmed salmon jeopardize wild salmon populations, directly and indirectly. Even "organically", "ecologically", or "sustainably" farmed salmon have a devestating impact on wild Pacific salmon species. Why? What's wrong with farmed salmon? Learn about the damage done by salmon farms by watching the video below:The right choice Consumers who understand wild salmon's intrinsic, nutritional, economic and ecological value and the businesses and fishing communities that serve those consumers have a responsibility to wild salmon and steelhead. Each of us can actively work for the conditions in the water, on the land, and in our management that make coexisting with wild salmon and steelhead possible. Just as we have a right to clean air and clean water, people have the right to expect healthy, self-sustaining, and fishable wild and native salmon and steelhead runs in our home waters. With that right comes the responsibility to demand it, and to take care of the conditions that make it possible. Remember to vote with your fork.
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