Wild salmon enhance our quality of life spiritually, recreationally, and as a healthy source of unadulterated protein. They support fishing communities along our coast, forests and agricultural fields inland, and ocean ecosystems (whales are major predators on salmon populations and can be severely impacted when salmon populations decline). Healthy Pacific salmon populations reflect healthy rivers, streams, and estuaries — they show us whether we are taking care of our own water supplies and aquatic habitats. When salmon populations decline, everything suffers: from whales to eagles to other native fish to forests. And people suffer as well.
SalmonAid educates parents and children about the many ways that salmon connect us all. We produce fun-filled educational events that support and feature the work of our many member organizations. By supporting SalmonAID with your tax-deductible donation, you allow us to build a big platform from which to inform, motivate, and entertain tens of thousands of people each year. Please consider making a donation today.
Thank you!
Donate Securely Online
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law
Workplace Giving
Designate SalmonAid in your workplace giving campaign! Many companies have workplace giving programs or participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Often, if an employee writes in a charity, that charity will be listed in the official company list the following year. Designate SalmonAid as your charity of choice, and you’ll be helping SalmonAid in many ways. If you are unsure if your company has a giving program, go to your Human Resources or payroll office and enquire today.
Matching Gifts
Many companies will match payroll deduction gifts, as well as annual gifts. Ask your office’s Human Resources or payroll office for the c ompany’s matching gift application, fill it out, and send it to us at:
Matching Gifts Program
PO Box 29196
San Francisco, CA 94129
For any additional information, please call us at
(415) 561-5080, extension 222.